在这里, 你会切身体验结对编程的乐趣, 你会了解Ruby on Rails 的那些奇妙, 你会认识和你一样同样追求美丽的程序媛, 你会有将IT开发做一辈子的梦想!
Girls , 姐妹们都在这里翘首企盼着你, Girls, 姐妹们的聚会怎能没有你。快来 加入我们!!!
加入我们吧! 女孩报名 截止时间是2014年1月5日
加入我们吧! 教练报名 截止时间是2014年1月5日
你会学到 设计, 原型制作 以及向我们的教练学习如何编程
你将需要 你自己的笔记本,好奇心和少许的想象力!
想要帮助我们? 我们在寻找志愿者和和教练。同时我们也在寻找赞助者支持我们这次公益活动。 给我们发邮件.
“ 一次带你启程Ruby的旅程,在这里,有很多对技术有热情的人,自己也会被这种热情所鼓舞,不仅是活动中了解到很多技术,体会他人的分享,更重要的是这些分享对自己的影响,让我想要去了解并学习Ruby。”
—— Lou Jia
“ 会写代码的女孩子很酷!这么多女孩子聚在一起写代码更酷!rails girls给我们创造了认识彼此的机会,更让我们从彼此身上看到了人生更多的可能性。”
—— Liu Jing
“ 邱俊涛同学的session很给力,简洁明了的解释了web是怎么回事,希望下次还有这种session的分享; 讲解从简单的开发到部署过程简单易懂; 希望有更多的coach,这样可以一起pair开发。”
—— Cui Jiao
20.00 - 22:00 |
Online Installation partyWe will help you setup your local environment before the activity, it is also a very good chance to get to know each other well. We highly suggest you attend it. |
9:00 - 10:00 |
RegistrationRegistration for both tutor and students. Help you fix the setup issues that you did not completed and get to know the whole day routine. |
10:00 - 10:30 |
WelcomeWords from our sponsors and group. |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Web DevelopmentUnderstanding the basics of web development and trends. |
11:00 - 11:30 |
Rails DevelopmentUnderstanding the basics of rails development and why we use rails. |
11:30 - 12:15 |
WorkshopStart your first web application.Let's get coding! |
12:15 - 13:00 | Lunch Break |
13:00 - 13:30 |
Lightning talks from coaches |
13:30 - 16:30 |
WorkshopContinue with your web app, you can make some extension. |
16:30 - 17:30 |
ShowCaseShow your app! Be open for everyone, meet cool people interested in tech. |
Applications close: January 5th
Acceptances informed: 6th, January
Rails Girls Xi'an is co-organized with our awesome partners.
Want to help? We're looking for partners & sponsors for the non-profit event! Email us!
西安Rubyist is a non-profit organization which aims to promote the Xi'an Ruby Ecosphere. Every third Saturday of month they will have off-line party which including sessions and book club elected by every rubyist in trello. They encourage everyone, from Ruby novice to expert, to join us to learn and contribute. They're excited to grow and support the Ruby and Rails communities!
ThoughtWorks They deliver custom applications and provide no-nonsense consulting; we help organizations become agile.
七牛云储存: 七牛云存储由国内存储行业的领军人物之一许式伟于2011年创立,致力于提供最适合开发者的数据在线托管、传输加速以及云端处理的服务。
Ruby on Rails 教程: 被誉为 Rails 开发入门最佳教程。这本书会教你如何践行“测试驱动开发”理念,一步一步开发出一个类 Twitter 程序。
How much does the workshop cost? Nothing, it's free! You just need to be excited!
Who is this aimed for? Women of any age with basic knowledge of working with a computer. We’ve had people of all ages taking part. Most of the speeches are given in english, but small group work is done in german. Please bring your laptop.
Can men attend? Yes, but you need to be accompanied by an interested lady. Also, girls are given a priority.
I know how to program - How can I help? We’re also looking for people to be coaches. We’ll have a two-three hour workshop before the event to walk you through the curriculum. Email us