Welcome !
Rails Girls goes Wuhan: join the one-day crash-course to the exciting world of building web applications with Ruby on Rails, with an Asian twist.
You learn designing, prototyping and coding with the help from our coaches.
You need your own laptop, curiosity and a sprinkle of imagination!
Want to help? We are looking for volunteers and Rails coaches. Email us.
before 22th Auguest |
Breakdown ideas into user storiesBefore the event, we will group coaches and girls, we hope that girls and coaches can work together to complete these issues. - One group can complete a user story by getting in touch with each other online or in other ways. - Coaches and girls will receive an invitation from Tower before events, and coaches will help girls to use this tool to manage user stories. |
9:00 - 10:00 |
Registration & souvenir pictureWe will take a smiling picture of you after registration. |
10:00 - 10:10 |
Welcome words & introduction of Rails Girls |
10:15 - 12:00 |
Introduction of Ruby on Rails & web development |
12:00 - 12:30 |
Favorite tools & learning secretsCoaches will introduce their favorite develop tools to girls, teach girls how to use them and share learning methods. |
12:30 - 13:30 | Lunch |
13.30 - 17:00 |
Get start with your AppsWe will build Apps accroding to each group's user story. |
17:00 - 17:30 |
Show caseLet's show what you have done in one-day rails girls workshop! |
17:30 - 18:00 |
Free talks from coaches and girls- Startup company experience by Zilong Ji- Girls in Tech by Ying He - Surprise girls presentations also included |
18:00-> |
After party |
See map
ThoughtWorks They deliver custom applications and provide no-nonsense consulting; we help organizations become agile.
knewone: knewone.com 是让科技与设计改变生活的众筹平台,探索,分享和拥有新奇产品,让我们关注创新,活在未来
Platinum Sponsor
七牛云储存: 七牛云存储由国内存储行业的领军人物之一许式伟于2011年创立,致力于提供最适合开发者的数据在线托管、传输加速以及云端处理的服务。 七牛云存储的核心团队成员来自于盛大、金山、网龙、惠普等知名互联网公司。核心成员之间已合作多年。公司创始人许式伟先生曾在金山、百度和盛大等公司担任重要领导岗位,具有多年存储行业实战经验,被誉为国内最适合做云存储的几人之一。
Coding: Coding 是一个软件开发平台—— 提供快速的软件开发环境,包括 Web IDE、代码托管、项目协作、部署演示等,同时还有Coding 悬赏平台,帮助软件项目的需求方快速找到合适的开发者完成项目开发工作,也帮助开发者能够找到合适的项目将自己的能力变成财富。
Silver Sponsor
Shinetech: We are a global leader in providing software & application development outsourcing, testing, and systems integration services.
Commonweal Sponsor
计蒜客: 计蒜客是学习计算机相关领域知识(编程、算法、计算机理论)最便捷的渠道,其趣味盎然的交互方式让你可以和朋友一起轻松学习。
Media Sponsor
光谷社区: 光谷社区是光谷地区最有逼格的高端人群交流社区。覆盖了光谷创业,光谷生活,IT技术,生命科学,金融投资等领域。
How much does the workshop cost? Nothing, it's free! You just need to be excited!
Who is this aimed for? Women of any age with basic knowledge of working with a computer. We’ve had people of all ages taking part. Most of the program is run in english and please bring your laptop.
Can men attend? Yes, but you need to be accompanied by an interested lady. Also, girls are given a priority.
I know how to program - How can I help? We’re also looking for people to be coaches. We’ll have a two-three hour workshop before the event to walk you through the curriculum. Email us