Hello world!
At Rails Girls, we'll dive into technology and the local community during a free two day crash-course into the exciting world of building web applications with Ruby on Rails.
Rails Girls 第4回! 我們將舉辦2天的工作坊,幫助女生們進入 Ruby 以及 Rails 的世界,讓你們有能力實現自己的夢想。
You learn designing, prototyping and coding with help from our coaches.
由教練指導學員用Rails進行網站程式設計, 從原型的網站到佈署在簡易的雲端平台上
You need your own laptop, curiosity and a sprinkle of imagination!
學員必需自備筆記型電腦, 作業系統不限(推薦MacOS或Linux/BSD平台)
Want to help? We are looking for volunteers and Rails coaches.
Apply as Coach
7 pm - 9 pm |
Get know the attendees a little bit before hand. Bring your laptop if you can, so we can install Ruby on Rails for you. |
9.00 pm - late |
Coach dinner導師晚飯After the installation party, coaches will be taken to the coaches dinner. The dinner is solely for coaches and organizers. This is a small thank you to the coaches, but we'll also go through the curriculum and things good to know before the workshop |
10:00 - 11:00 am |
Registration, coffee報到以及繼續安裝環境Rails Girls workshop includes learning the first steps into software craftmanship in small teams. |
11:00 - 11:30 am |
WelcomeOutline of the day and word from sponsors |
11:30 - 1:00 pm |
Workshopjumpstart your first web application using app guide. |
1:00 - 2:00 pm | Lunch 午飯 |
2:00 - 4:00 pm |
WorkshopExtend your application. Add commments,
put it online with Heroku,
or add design. |
5:30 pm-ish |
Afterparty!All friends and who wants to join can meet us after the workshop. |
How much does the workshop cost? Nothing, it's free! You just need to be excited!
Who is this aimed for? Women of any age with basic knowledge of working with a computer. We’ve had people of all ages taking part, most of the crowd usually is young women in their twenties, but we truly welcome everyone.
Can men attend? Yes, but girls are given a priority as this is a workshop targeted for women. You're welcome to fork the project on Github and create another kind! We also welcome to bring a woman partner to join.
本活動需要費用嗎? 不用!只需要你的熱情和學習心
學員需要具備什麼條件 只要你是女性並具有基本的電腦使用能力與知識, 不限年齡與其它條件, 必要的工具是一台筆記型電腦。
男性可以以學員身份參加嗎? 可以,但女性優先,也歡迎 fork GitHub 上的項目,或帶同女伴參加。
Rails Girls Hong Kong is co-organized with our awesome partners.
General Assembly transforms thinkers into creators through education and opportunities in technology, business, and design.
AngelHack is the world’s largest and most diverse global hacker community, helping to drive open innovation of tech products, platforms and brands with extraordinary smarts, scale and speed.
Workshop participants will get a free copy of the book ‘Learn Ruby on Rails’ by Daniel Kehoe (PDF file for download).
"Learn Ruby on Rails" is the book for Rails beginners, offering a gentle introduction to important concepts and paving the way for success with more advanced tutorials.
Reading the book, on your own or with study partners, is a great way to continue learning Rails after the workshop.
Pinpoint Asia We are THE GO-TO technology recruitment firm specialising in Technology across Asia Pacific region. We work with some of the largest Global Enterprises as well as budding companies in the Financial, Hi-Tech and Commerce Sectors.
The Wave At The Wave, we believe in never being afraid to try something new. Life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know. That’s why we’re ready to help you– the next wave of entrepreneurs – in a heartbeat.
CITYU APPS LAB CityU Apps Lab (CAL) empowers youngsters with cutting-edge technologies and initiatives of transforming innovative ideas into practice.
If you like coding, hacking, learning new langages, programming apps or creating websites, you are at the right place.