Hello world!
Rails Girls comes to Guangzhou!
即使你是技术小白,你也可以一天之后,你将有能力做出这样的 网站
欢迎你关注我们的 官方微博
加入我们吧! 女孩报名 已截止报名
加入我们吧! 教练报名 已截止报名
你会学到 设计, 原型制作 以及向我们的教练学习如何编程
你将需要 你自己的笔记本,好奇心和少许的想象力!
想要帮助我们? 我们在寻找志愿者和和教练。同时我们也在寻找赞助者支持我们这次公益活动。 给我们发邮件.
20:00 - 21:00 |
Online-Installation party(安装晚会)Our tutors will help you do some pre-installation online. And you may get know the attendees a little bit online. We highly suggest you attend the installation party.我们会提供一些在线的安装教程,同学们可以通过教程在自己的电脑上安装所需的软件,我们将会创建一个QQ群或者skype的群,大家在安装过程中有遇到不明白的可以在线咨询。 |
9:30 - 10:15 |
Registration(报到)During the morning, we'll help you if you did not finish Ruby on Rails online-installation and maybe start with the talks early.报到(预留足够的时间让大家熟络关系,解决安装中可能留下的问题) |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Welcome(致欢迎词)Outline of the day & word from our sponsors致欢迎词(提及赞助单位和个人的名字) |
10:30 - 11:00 |
An Introduction to Ruby Programming(编程入门)Visit Tryruby.org because his introduction may be more of advanced Ruby programming than the basics.由我们其中的一位教练Leon讲解RubyOnRails的框架和基本概念,并且会做一个简单的Demo。 Let's get coding! |
11:00 - 12:00 |
WORKSHOP(工作室时间)Jumpstart your first web application!开始你的第一个网络应用程序吧! |
12:00 - 13:30 | Lunch(午餐) |
13:30 - 14:00 |
Deploying a Ruby on Rails Application发布你的程序! |
14:00 - 14:30 |
Lightning talks from coaches(教练小结与问答)Participants can ask anything about Ruby or Ruby on Rails from the coaches. The topics may be about Ruby programming, deployment and very basic things you will need to move forward and create Ruby on Rails applications. 同学们可以向教练提问题。主要围绕着Ruby on Rails, 写代码的规范,发布程序等进行问答。 |
14:30 - 16:00 |
WORKSHOP(工作室时间)Extend your application.在现有的程序上继续做一些拓展 |
16:00 - 16:30 |
AFTERPARTY大家照相留念,分享RailsGirls活动的心得体会,相互留联系方式等! |
Applications close: Jan 5th
Acceptances informed:Jan 6th
Rails Girls Guangzhou is co-organized with our awesome partners.
Want to help? We're looking for partners & sponsors for the non-profit event! Email us!
Kude Labs (酷德实验室) is a fast growing software development firm focused on building high quality web applications using Ruby on Rails.
Beansmile is a web application company which is good at developing high quality web application using Ruby on Rails, and also good at developing mobile applications.
一起开工社区是目前广州最大的联合办公空间(co-working space),于2013年10月正式对外开放。我们倡导共享协作式的新型办公模式,致力于为创新创业者打造一个充满灵感、跨界多元、开放好玩的办公空间与共享社区,激活华南地区创新氛围,立志成为活跃的社会创新创业发生地与加速引擎,推动创新与积极改变的发生。
七牛云储存: 七牛云存储由国内存储行业的领军人物之一许式伟于2011年创立,致力于提供最适合开发者的数据在线托管、传输加速以及云端处理的服务。
Ruby on Rails 教程: 被誉为 Rails 开发入门最佳教程。这本书会教你如何践行“测试驱动开发”理念,一步一步开发出一个类 Twitter 程序。
ThoughtWorks They deliver custom applications and provide no-nonsense consulting; we help organizations become agile.
How much does the workshop cost?(需要支付费用吗?) Nothing, it's free! You just need to be excited!(本次活动完全免费,只要带着一颗分享的心)
Who is this aimed for?(参加的对象)
Women of any age with basic knowledge of working with a computer. We’ve had people of all ages taking part. Please bring your laptop.
Can men attend?(我是男生,可以参加吗?)
Yes, but you need to be accompanied by an interested lady. Also, girls are given a priority.
I know how to program - How can I help?(我是程序员,我可以帮忙吗?)
We’re also looking for people to be coaches. We’ll have a two-three hour workshop before the event to walk you through the curriculum. Email us