Rails Girls comes to Chengdu!
一天之后,你将有能力做出这样的 网站
加入我们吧! 女孩报名 截止时间是2014年1月5日
加入我们吧! 教练报名 截止时间是2014年1月5日
你会学到 设计, 原型制作 以及向我们的教练学习如何编程
你将需要 你自己的笔记本,好奇心和少许的想象力!
想要帮助我们? 我们在寻找志愿者和和教练。同时我们也在寻找赞助者支持我们这次公益活动。 给我们发邮件.
20.00 - |
Online-Installation partyOur tutors will help you do some pre-installation online. And you may get know the attendees a little bit online. We highly suggest you attend the installation party. |
9:30 - 10:00 |
RegistrationDuring the morning, we'll help you if you did not finish Ruby on Rails online-installation and maybe start with the talks early. |
10:00 - 10:15 |
WelcomeOutline of the day & word from our sponsors |
10:15 - 10:45 |
Understanding Web AppsAn Introduction to Software Engineering & Best Practices on Designing & Developing a Web Application |
10:25 - 11:00 |
An Introduction to Ruby ProgrammingVisit Tryruby.org because his introduction may be more of advanced Ruby programming than the basics. Let's get coding! |
11:00 - 12:00 |
WORKSHOPJumpstart your first web application! |
12:00 - 13:30 | Lunch |
13:30 - 13:50 |
Deploying a Ruby on Rails Application |
13:50 - 14:10 |
Lightning talks from coachesParticipants can ask anything about Ruby or Ruby on Rails from the coaches. The topics may be about Ruby programming, deployment and very basic things you will need to move forward and create Ruby on Rails applications. |
14:10 - 17:30 |
WORKSHOPExtend your application. |
18:30 onwards |
AFTERPARTYThe most important part. Location TBA. |
Applications close: Jan 5th
Acceptances informed:Jan 6th
Rails Girls Chengdu is co-organized with our awesome partners.
Want to help? We're looking for partners & sponsors for the non-profit event! Email us!
TechLady they provide a platform on which women in technology can connect, empower and learn from one another.
OpenParty成都是一群身在成都的技术爱好者共同组织的社交活动。 本着自由、开放、分享、互动的宗旨,采用“非会议(Unconference)”的形式, 为参与人员创建一个表达和交流的平台。 本活动的目标给参与者提供一个平等、自由的分享与获取知识的机会。 活动话题不仅仅局限于技术,还包括生活、旅游、艺术、创业、商务、投资、营销等各方面的话题。
七牛云储存: 七牛云存储由国内存储行业的领军人物之一许式伟于2011年创立,致力于提供最适合开发者的数据在线托管、传输加速以及云端处理的服务。
GitCafe: GitCafe 是一个为您在线托管软件项目的服务平台。 这里是一个大家庭,您可以在 GitCafe 与他人快乐地进行项目分享与协作。 现在就加入 GitCafe,找到喜欢的项目与志同道合的程序员!
ThoughtWorks: ThoughtWorks不仅仅是一家软件公司,同时也是一个社区:汇集满怀激情的软件精英,通过技术和客户共同应对最艰巨的挑战。同时寻求IT行业的革新,并致力于对社会产生积极的影响力。
Ruby on Rails 教程: 被誉为 Rails 开发入门最佳教程。这本书会教你如何践行“测试驱动开发”理念,一步一步开发出一个类 Twitter 程序。
How much does the workshop cost? Nothing, it's free! You just need to be excited!
Who is this aimed for? Women of any age with basic knowledge of working with a computer. We’ve had people of all ages taking part. Most of the speeches are given in english, but small group work is done in german. Please bring your laptop.
Can men attend? Yes, but you need to be accompanied by an interested lady. Also, girls are given a priority.
I know how to program - How can I help? We’re also looking for people to be coaches. We’ll have a two-three hour workshop before the event to walk you through the curriculum. Email us