Rails Girls Beijing 2nd November 2014

Hello world!

Rails Girls comes to Beijing!
即使你是技术小白,你也可以一天之后,你将有能力做出这样的 网站

欢迎你关注我们的 官方微博

加入我们吧! 女孩报名 截止时间是2014年10月25日

加入我们吧! 教练报名 截止时间是2014年10月25日

你会学到 设计, 原型制作 以及向我们的教练学习如何编程

你将需要 你自己的笔记本电脑,操作系统不限(推荐MAC和Linux系统)!

想要帮助我们? 我们在寻找志愿者和和教练。同时我们也在寻找赞助者支持我们这次公益活动。 给我们发邮件.

Photos from the event

Saturday 1st November

20.00 -

Online-Installation party

Our tutors will help you do some pre-installation online. And you may get know the attendees a little bit online. We highly suggest you attend the installation party.

Sunday 2nd November

9:30 - 10:00


During the morning, we'll help you if you did not finish Ruby on Rails online-installation and maybe start with the talks early.
10:00 - 10:15


Outline of the day & word from our sponsors
10:15 - 10:45

Understanding Web Apps

An Introduction to Software Engineering & Best Practices on Designing & Developing a Web Application

10:25 - 11:00

An Introduction to Ruby Programming

Visit Tryruby.org because his introduction may be more of advanced Ruby programming than the basics. Let's get coding!
11:00 - 12:00


Jumpstart your first web application!
12:00 - 13:30


13:30 - 13:50

Deploying a Ruby on Rails Application

13:50 - 14:10

Lightning talks from coaches

Participants can ask anything about Ruby or Ruby on Rails from the coaches. The topics may be about Ruby programming, deployment and very basic things you will need to move forward and create Ruby on Rails applications.

14:10 - 17:30


Extend your application.
18:30 onwards


The most important part. Location TBA.


Applications close: 2nd November
Acceptances informed:October 28-29

Location:雷锋网,海淀大街27号亿景大厦五层西侧硬创帮 See Map


Rails Girls Beijing is co-organized with our awesome partners.

Want to help? We're looking for partners & sponsors for the non-profit event! Email us!

北京Rubyist is a non-profit organization which aims to promote the Beijing Ruby Ecosphere. They also host larger, formal events on a semi-regular basis. They encourage everyone, from Ruby novice to expert, to join us to learn and contribute. They're excited to grow and support the Ruby and Rails communities!

Media Partners

36kr 36氪 (36Kr.com)是一个关注互联网创业的科技博客。36氪的名字源于元素周期表的第36号元素“氪”,化学符号为Kr。36氪为中国互联网创业者开辟了“寻求报道”的途径,打造了初创产品的发布会“36氪开放日”,并搭建了“融资平台”和“招聘平台”。


FreeWheel FreeWheel: 是美国最大的视频广告技术平台,总部位于硅谷,在北京设有产品研发中心负责全部产品线的开发,纽约、伦敦分别设有商业和客户服务中心。七成美国和英国的电视网和运营商使用FreeWheel的服务,美国前十大视频网站均为公司的客户或合作伙伴,平台驱动全美视频广告投放流量的三分之一,并仍在增长中。公司也是近年来奥运会和世界杯在线直播的广告技术合作伙伴,并被《商业周刊》评选为全球50佳最具吸引力的新创企业。 FreeWheel的Web服务团队热爱Rails和Ruby社区,并曾合作翻译O’Reilly出版的《Advanced Rails》一书,欢迎Ruby爱好者了解

ingchuang 硬创帮: 中国最ing的硬件开发者社区,位于北京市创业街头,海淀大街27号亿景大厦五层1024。感谢赞助本次活动场地!

jisuanke 计蒜客: 计蒜客里有丰富的程序设计语言相关的课程,也将在未来开放更多计算机学科内的其它课程。计蒜客为学生提供边阅读内容、边编写代码、边得到讲解的交互式教学方式。感谢计蒜客提供饮料水果。


How much does the workshop cost? Nothing, it's free! You just need to be excited!

Who is this aimed for? Women of any age with basic knowledge of working with a computer. We’ve had people of all ages taking part. Most of the speeches are given in english, but small group work is done in german. Please bring your laptop.

Can men attend? Yes, but you need to be accompanied by an interested lady. Also, girls are given a priority.

I know how to program - How can I help? We’re also looking for people to be coaches. We’ll have a two-three hour workshop before the event to walk you through the curriculum. Email us