Rails Girls Johannesburg 6-7th December, 2014 - Johannesburg

Do you want to learn how to code?

Good news, Rails Girls is coming to Johannesburg!

During the free two-day workshop we'll explore the magical world of Ruby on Rails, and build an application together.

Applications to join the workshop are now open Register here

Contact us here for more information

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news! @RailsGirlsJHB or @RailsGirlsSA

You learn designing, prototyping and coding with help from our coaches.

You need your own laptop, curiosity and a sprinkle of imagination!

Want to help? We are looking for sponsors, volunteers and Rails coaches. Email us.

Saturday 6th December

9:30 - 10:00


Registration and Coffee Get your Swag (Little pack of stuff) Bring your laptop!
10:00 – 10:15


10:00 – 10:15

Installation Fest

Getting to know each other and installing Ruby on Rails on your computer if you haven't gotten to it yet.
11:00 – 11:10

Lightning Talk

Get Inspired ! Get Motivated ! Get Revved up! Because today, you are going to build an app.
11:15 – 13:00

Snack time

Sunday - 7 December 2014

09: 00 – 9:30


Grab a Cuppa and get ready to rumble.
9:40 - 10:15

UX workshop

A user experience workshop, because looks count.
10:15 - 10:45

Introduction to coding

Get those fingers warmed up and ready for a deep dive into the world of the geeks. Show & tell with tryruby.org
10:45 - 13:00

So you think you can code ?

Let’s build a Rails App! Design and Jump Start your first app! Tryruby.org
13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:30

Bentobox exercise

Putting Tech Talk into context for you!
14:30 - 17:00


Get going to extend your Rails app!
17:00 - 17:10

Lightning Talk

Get inspired!
17:10 - 17:20

Vote of Thanks

17:20 - 17:30


17:30 - 19:00

Lets Mingle

Snack Time! Parents / Guardians, Participants, Coaches


Thoughtworks office Address
South Point Central
2nd Floor
17 Melle Street
Parking Address
Arbour Square Building,
c/o Juta & Melle Streets,
A ticket will be provided by security at the Thoughtworks office.
Applications are now open.

Sponsors & Partners

Rails Girls Johannesburg has been made possible thanks to our awesome sponsors and partners.

Digitalnfo Digitalnfo.com
A not-for-profit site which aims to provide regular information and news about South Africa's growing digital world. While the general focus is always on developments in South Africa, one of the major economies on the continent, provision is also made for information and news about how digital technology changes and influences the lives of people all over the world. An essential part of the site is to be an African hub to incubate digital projects; as an accelerator this site will be a portal to host campaigns and to implement initiatives to promote the development of communities to become digitally aware.

Github Github is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates and complete strangers. Over 6 million people use Github to build amazing things to together.

ThoughtWorks ThoughtWorks is a global company of passionate technologists specialising in disruptive thinking, cutting-edge technology, and a hard-line focus on delivery. Clients have ambitious missions to change their industry, their government, and their society. They provide software design and delivery, pioneering tools and consulting to help clients succeed.

incuBeta Idealize IT is a South African based company providing enterprise software solutions.

incuBeta incuBeta is a global digital marketing performance group providing full digital strategies and tactics achieving harmony between marketing channels and business goals. We provide full-service digital solutions to companies across four continents and 12 countries.

Want to help? We're looking for partners & sponsors for this non-profit event! Email us!


How much does the workshop cost? Nothing, it's free! You just need to be enthusiastic and willing to learn!

Who is this aimed at? Women of any age with basic knowledge of working with a computer. We’ve had people of all ages taking part, most of the crowd usually are women in their twenties or thirties, but we truly welcome everyone.

Can men attend? Yes, Rails Girls is inclusive.

I know how to program - How can I help? We’re also looking for people to be coaches! We’ll have a workshop before the event to walk you through the curriculum. Email us