Rails Girls Beijing 15th December 2012

Hello world!

Rails Girls comes to Beijing!
During the free two-day workshop we'll dive into the magical world of Ruby on Rails.

Apply Beijing now! Applications are open until the 12th of December.

You learn designing, prototyping and coding with the help from our coaches.

You need your own laptop, curiosity and a sprinkle of imagination!

Want to help? We are looking for volunteers and Rails coaches. And we need two more sponsors to cover the participants and tutors' lunch Email us.

Photos from the event of Beijing on 2012-12-15

Friday 1st February

20.00 -

Online-Installation party

Our tutors will help you do some pre-installation online. And you may get know the attendees a little bit online. We highly suggest you attend the installation party.

Saturday 2nd February

9:30 - 10:00


During the morning, we'll help you if you did not finish Ruby on Rails online-installation and maybe start with the talks early.
10:00 - 10:15


Outline of the day & word from our sponsors
10:15 - 10:45

Understanding Web Apps

An Introduction to Software Engineering & Best Practices on Designing & Developing a Web Application

10:25 - 11:00

An Introduction to Ruby Programming

Visit Tryruby.org because his introduction may be more of advanced Ruby programming than the basics. Let's get coding!
11:00 - 12:00


Jumpstart your first web application!
12:00 - 13:30


13:30 - 13:50

Deploying a Ruby on Rails Application

13:50 - 14:10

Lightning talks from coaches

Participants can ask anything about Ruby or Ruby on Rails from the coaches. The topics may be about Ruby programming, deployment and very basic things you will need to move forward and create Ruby on Rails applications.

14:10 - 17:30


Extend your application.
18:30 onwards


The most important part. Location TBA.


Applications close: January 27th
Acceptances informed: January 28th

China Location:北京市东直门国华投资大厦11层ThoughtWorks Office,地铁环线西南 出口直行50米即到 See Map


Rails Girls Beijing 1st-is co-organized with our awesome partners.

Want to help? We're looking for partners & sponsors for the non-profit event! Email us!

TechLady they provide a platform on which women in technology can connect, empower and learn from one another.

北京Rubyist is a non-profit organization which aims to promote the Beijing 1st-Ruby Ecosphere. They also host larger, formal events on a semi-regular basis. They encourage everyone, from Ruby novice to expert, to join us to learn and contribute. They're excited to grow and support the Ruby and Rails communities!

ThoughtWorks ThoughtWorks They deliver custom applications and provide no-nonsense consulting; we help organizations become agile.

Media Partners

36kr 36氪 (36Kr.com)是一个关注互联网创业的科技博客。36氪的名字源于元素周期表的第36号元素“氪”,化学符号为Kr。36氪为中国互联网创业者开辟了“寻求报道”的途径,打造了初创产品的发布会“36氪开放日”,并搭建了“融资平台”和“招聘平台”。

ctquan 创投圈(ctquan.com 和 chuangtouquan.com )是一个专注于服务投资人、创业者,以投融资为主要目的的社交网络。 创投圈成立于2011年6月,是由天使会(徐小平、李开复、雷军、薛蛮子、曾李青、何伯权、包凡、蔡文胜、季琦、倪正东、吕谭平、杨向阳)和创新工场共同投资的第一家公司。这里汇集了当今中国最优秀的投资人,旨在给中国的广大创业者提供一个新一代的投融资和交流的平台,为创业者提供“找人、找钱、找主意”等跟创业有关的最核心功能。


thecocktailchina The-Cocktail China: The Cocktail成立于2003年,是西班牙顶尖的数字产品用户体验设计咨询公司,为世界一线品牌客户提供数字营销策略咨询、数字产品交互设计和用户体验设计、市场调研及技术开发等服务,如BBVA银行、Telefonica、BMW、Zara、Google等。总部位于马德里,并于北京、墨西哥城和波哥大设有分公司, 致力于为客户提供全球化全方位的整合咨询服务。


How much does the workshop cost? Nothing, it's free! You just need to be excited!

Who is this aimed for? Women of any age with basic knowledge of working with a computer. We’ve had people of all ages taking part. Most of the speeches are given in english, but small group work is done in german. Please bring your laptop.

Can men attend? Yes, but you need to be accompanied by an interested lady. Also, girls are given a priority.

I know how to program - How can I help? We’re also looking for people to be coaches. We’ll have a two-three hour workshop before the event to walk you through the curriculum. Email us